Wednesday, November 19, 2014

new traditions and a gift

Last week I got the most wondrously lovely surprise in the mail. 
A dear friend of mine had sent our family this nativity book as a little  pre-holiday treat! 

On christmas eve we always snuggle up close around the fire, clothed in our freshly unwrapped matching jammies and read the story of Jesus' birth together. So I could not be more overjoyed for this new addition!

The illustrations (by Julie Vivas) are some of the best I've ever seen- completely unexpected, creative, and vivid. It's paired with text from the King James Bible and somehow it all comes together in the most enchanting and heartwarming way. 

I have yet to read it, and not be moved to tears by the beauty it portrays.

It's a perfect read to start forming traditions around. One the littles will remember and love, and you can pass on for generations to come. 

I wanted to share it with you, in case you were on the hunt. You can purchase it here or -Kaleb and I would like to gift a couple as a way to kick of the holiday seasons. Just leave a comment below, including a way for us to contact you, and we will send them to the lucky ones next week.